Line Internet is so so sooo suck . Maybe it caused by the tsunami I guess . Pray for them guys . Hey its my birthday aite , you know what i got ? Ya ya ya , I got a new shirt and a dinner treat from my dad . I got a curly / straighten hair-iron from my beloved mom , two new shirt from my Fishy , a chocolate from Amin and a birthday card from my Jeje . Thanks a lot lot lot lot :D I appreciate it so so so muchh . Muah muahh :* The birthday card's from my little sister makes my cry . Truly babe' Haha . Dah besar pun menangis . Ehh biarlah , mata aku yang sakit nanti , bukan engkau :P Hahaha . Chill guys , stay on reading this post yaww . Jangan la bla dulu , tunggu jap . Nak abis cerita dah ni . Saba saba . Lek luu* ayat rempit . Bhahahha . Yes , esok tusyen . Dari semalam lagi aku dah siapkan baju untuk pergi tusyen . Haa tengoklah betapa semangatnya FatihaKhairy nie :D Well , esok aku pergi awal sikit , lepak dulu , gelak gelak , cerita cerita , cheers , makann . Gahhh , tak sabo lah esokk . Aww :D